Questions on Sunspot

Just got him, is he worth a mutant gem? Also is he good with suicides or do I need to drop it? Also is he good for the mysterio boss in 6.3.5? Would also love to get some insight on how to utilize him to the fullest
Not good with suicides.
Don't have the answer for 6.3.5.
You need to gain Flare State. Most fights only really need 2 or 3 at most.
Get flare state from doing SP1's.
Gain power from purifying incinerate debuffs on defenders.
I usually parry/heavy and siphon back the incinerates until i get a SP1 then gain power after 2-3 SP1's and launch SP2.
Longer fights you'll need to cycle through to SP3 to reset Solar Charges.
Full suicides on so was withering away from recoil the entire time, but his perfect block lasting whole combos and specials was pretty handy in keeping him alive a bit longer.
Perfect blocks also purify incinerates on the opponent for power/solar charges in the same way as charging a heavy, sometimes overlooked.
I switch between on/off for suicides now and again, and he’s grown on me a lot over the last couple months, fun champ to play, though not always the most practical. He’s practically made for a few paths in 6.3, as well as for Map 7 disstrack/pleasure to burn.