Ghost R5 or Hyperion R4 ....worthy of generic awakening gem?

I have most of my top champs duped except for Ghost(R5), Hype(R4), Gulk(R4). My top duped champs are CMM(R5, *200), OR(R5, *140),Sparky(R4,*200), Domino(R4, *200), CAPIW(R4, *140), Magik(R3,*20) and GR(R3, *60). Thing, Corvus, X23 and Void are at R2 unduped. Been waiting for Nick Fury or Aegon to use my generic for more than 6 months and no luck yet. Now, I badly want to use generic on Ghost or Hype. Are they worthy of generic awakening gem?
Whereas if you pull aegon (or Nick) there are probably no better options in the game for a generic. The others that really, really need it, to be game breaking, you already have duped; Omega and caiw.
It's not going anywhere and none of your options are going to change your game on using it I would guess