Suggestion/Customer Complaint

So I had a bit of good fortune and thought I might treat myself and spent $100 on units to try to get the signature levels up on my Darkhawk. So I got 10 crystals and pulled all 3* from them. Now I know buyer beware and no one forced me but I couldn't help but feel ripped off. I don't consider myself a whale but I have spent a fair amount on this game. So getting 10 3* at basically $10 each seems abit lopsided and just plain wrong. Random number generator or not, I should've gotten a little more bang for my buck. That being said, I'm going to offer a suggestion or submit a request, however you wish to view it. I propose that you remove the 3* out of the more expensive crystals. This includes cavalier, the featured 300 unit cost crystal and any crystal that requires a monetary payment for a chance at a 4* or higher. I understand that you're a business but your customers made you. In closing, until I see a vast improvement in the crystals, I will no longer purchase anything from your company. I sincerely hope you take this to heart. Thank you.
I spent money, didn't like what I got even though i knew 3* were in the crystals. I'm not happy and you should change the crystal. My $100 built this company and customers should always get what they want. I won't spend money again until I get my way, again knowing very well.what I got was entirely possible.
Do you want to speak to their manager Karen?
Are you just getting extremely lucky with BC crystals or something?
You say that you aren't blaming the system but in the same breathe you are asking to change the system. But you are ONLY asking for the change because you got 10 3*'s. Then you make a empty threat of "I'm not spending anymore money until the system changes".