Looking for a Map 3 and 4 ally

I am looking for an alliance that focuses on AQ maps 3 and 4. Please have two open spots for my friend to join as well. My hero rating is 137,208 my friends' hero rating is 121,683. Also, be chill my friend is learning how to play the game efficiently so be helpful as well. My line ID is Landon5216 message me in line. My In-game tag is the same to send me an invite.
You can add me on Line app: LadyGamer13
I can accommodate you in your friend in our 2nd branch, Controlled Collective II.
We're AQ focused and offer 1-2 optional participation wars per week.
Players choice if they want to participate in wars.
CC II offers maps 3 and 4.
We got what you are looking for.