New 4 stars !

PredatorXPredatorX Member Posts: 11
I have 100+ and i opened few in last couple of days and you know what all were new, i needs iso to upgrade but game isn't giving any dupe on 4*s. I don't know what it is but it's so annoying, duping 4* from 4 star crystals is main source of iso for a free to play player but this game is broken and pushing players to buy cavalier crystals, not fair !


  • BriceMiesterBriceMiester Member Posts: 282
    I dupe so many champs I end up selling iso before it expires, I ran out of Blue and had to use ALL my basic iso and miscellaneous lower class iso to rank up a 5* ghost, and still had over 800 iso which were all T5 Class Iso. I get annoyed when I draw a new 4* champ these days as NEW 4* champs are useless where I'm at, resources better spent on 5*s, but building up my roster man I felt your pain, I was constantly running out of iso and had tons of gold
  • BriceMiesterBriceMiester Member Posts: 282
    Just wait it out, it's a painful window but the draws are to the best of my knowledge completely random, I found that auto opening my 4* Crystals started to produce similar results after a while and I started duping champs almost every time
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