5/65 Archangel, or 5/65 Omega red

Hey everyone, I wanted to get some input on a rank up decision. At the moment, my only 5/65 is Stealth suit spidey (awakened) But I've nearly finished act 5 exploration and am also roughly halfway done with variant 4 exploration. My current position in the game is I've beaten 6.2, variant 2, 3, and 4, LoL, and am gearing up to either go for 6.3 completion or LoL exploration. If I chose to rank up Omega red, I wouldn't have that many sig stones for him, as I poured most of my generic sigs into Aegon to get him to sig 100. He would get roughly 20 sig levels. However, my Archangel is currently sitting at sig 80. I do not have suicides as of yet and will most likely unlock them at some point in the next 1-3 months. What do you guys think?