Okay. I've procastinated enough. I NEED to get this done for the sake of my account. Help me.

FreeToPlay_21FreeToPlay_21 Member Posts: 1,594 ★★★★
The piece of content I'm talking about here is Monthly EQ Uncollected 100% exploration. I've never gotten it even once, I always make up excuses and shift it to next month, but that next month never comes. I haven't gotten that many completions either, just two of them.

I'm gonna need some guidance from the community, here's my roster:

I'll be taking this guy up to 5/50 in a few days:

This is how my catalyst stash is right now:

I'm aware that not every month is going to be the same, so it's going to be difficult for you guys to help but, it'd be amazing if I could get answers for these questions.

1. With this roster, what's the maximum amount of units I should be spending in order to 100% monthly Uncollected?

2. How many, and which boosts should I run, if any?

I'm decent at parrying, decent at backdraft intercepting, okay at regular intercepting and horrible at baiting specials.

Any help would be appreciated, thanks!


  • JohnLocke117JohnLocke117 Member Posts: 500 ★★★
    edited January 2020
    Your 4* 5/50s can handle most of the UC EQ. For the harder fights,
    1. Have a ronan, void ready and duped as 3*s or even 2*s. These guys are often mvps for uc bosses.
    2. Get a double immune champ for abominations and biohazard path. Non robotic preferred
    3. Get that blade to r5. He will deal with 90% of the problematic fights, like dorm, magik, modoks.
    4. Corvus and Capiw will handle the rest.
    5. Don't jump in uc on the first day. Watch others, learn and do not hesitate to restart later. It will save you much units. By the end of the month, you can takedown any boss with ease rather than on the first day.

    Also, you just need to be good at parrying and baiting out specials, which is pretty easy and enough for most of the times. Practice intercepting later on. Give rol ws a try
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  • FreeToPlay_21FreeToPlay_21 Member Posts: 1,594 ★★★★
    Thanks @Panicndstreets and @JohnLocke117 . I will take those champions up for sure. I have completed ROL, it was good practice. I think I struggle with the new flashy champions every month.

    For some odd reason I find baiting their specials hard.
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  • JohnLocke117JohnLocke117 Member Posts: 500 ★★★

    Thanks @Panicndstreets and @JohnLocke117 . I will take those champions up for sure. I have completed ROL, it was good practice. I think I struggle with the new flashy champions every month.

    For some odd reason I find baiting their specials hard.

    Yes the newer ones are painful sometimes, but I just power thru them.
  • Matty_IceMatty_Ice Member Posts: 639 ★★★

    Thanks @Panicndstreets and @JohnLocke117 . I will take those champions up for sure. I have completed ROL, it was good practice. I think I struggle with the new flashy champions every month.

    For some odd reason I find baiting their specials hard.

    Also, I practice on master with the new champs before I go for 100% chapter 3 of UC. That way I have plenty of practice with the new champs before taking them on. It helps me a ton. I got to the point of being able to 1 shot UC Nova consistently or at least spend no revives.
  • Horror_punkHorror_punk Member Posts: 1,058 ★★★★

    Your 4* 5/50s can handle most of the UC EQ. For the harder fights,
    1. Have a ronan, void ready and duped as 3*s or even 2*s. These guys are often mvps for uc bosses.
    2. Get a double immune champ for abominations and biohazard path. Non robotic preferred
    3. Get that blade to r5. He will deal with 90% of the problematic fights, like dorm, magik, modoks.
    4. Corvus and Capiw will handle the rest.
    5. Don't jump in uc on the first day. Watch others, learn and do not hesitate to restart later. It will save you much units. By the end of the month, you can takedown any boss with ease rather than on the first day.

    Also, you just need to be good at parrying and baiting out specials, which is pretty easy and enough for most of the times. Practice intercepting later on. Give rol ws a try

    Just follow this advice
    Blade can save lots of units
    Just build his trinity and take two good immunes in your team
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    Practice baiting specials. I'm sure Dork Lessons has some videos. It's going to be hard if you are getting L3d or getting hit trying to bait. The UC defenders are pretty aggressive and with throw them if you stand open and don't hold block. Hit into their block once or twice, back off and stand open
  • DeremusDeremus Member Posts: 174 ★★★
    Learn how to use quake. She's my mvp every month
  • DtsDts Member Posts: 53
    4 star corvus is a trash sorry, up blade,spiderman stark and and find ghost rider,good luck
  • BriceMiesterBriceMiester Member Posts: 282

    Thanks @Panicndstreets and @JohnLocke117 . I will take those champions up for sure. I have completed ROL, it was good practice. I think I struggle with the new flashy champions every month.

    For some odd reason I find baiting their specials hard.

    As soon as they move on the screen dash backwards, works most of the time
  • FreeToPlay_21FreeToPlay_21 Member Posts: 1,594 ★★★★
    Thanks everyone for their input. What do you guys think about the units spend? What's the maximum amount of units I should limit my spend to for 100% Uncollected?
  • DtsDts Member Posts: 53
    it depends of your hands and reaction,last two boss is no so hard to kill,squirl just parry and hit,vs nova dancing and hit,his 1 spet is ez to evade maybe u will spend 2-3 revive for nova per path.iceman can be problem because his pasive,corvus ia good vs iceman but 4 star corvus have little damage, i think 2-3 revive for iceman per path,sorry for my english,good luck
  • Matty_IceMatty_Ice Member Posts: 639 ★★★
    Dts said:

    it depends of your hands and reaction,last two boss is no so hard to kill,squirl just parry and hit,vs nova dancing and hit,his 1 spet is ez to evade maybe u will spend 2-3 revive for nova per path.iceman can be problem because his pasive,corvus ia good vs iceman but 4 star corvus have little damage, i think 2-3 revive for iceman per path,sorry for my english,good luck

    I still used my 4* Corvus for Iceman. Get as many charges as possible on the paths, and then parry-medium-light-medium to maximize your charges. I wouldn’t be able to 1 shot him, but I could get him down to 20-30%.
  • Lucasjones_98Lucasjones_98 Member Posts: 461
    Upgrade the **** out AEGON
  • RockypantherxRockypantherx Member Posts: 3,922 ★★★★★
    I would learn Quake and take her up as far as possible. 9/10 times she’s a great counter to the bosses and next months cgamps are reportedly mystic so she should shred them. I used to spend about 800 units a month exploring UC EQ but I’m an avid arena grinder so could afford it. Comparing my progress to my friend who doesn’t grind arena, it certainly helped getting those first EQ’s explores no matter how expensive they were
  • FreeToPlay_21FreeToPlay_21 Member Posts: 1,594 ★★★★

    I would learn Quake and take her up as far as possible. 9/10 times she’s a great counter to the bosses and next months cgamps are reportedly mystic so she should shred them. I used to spend about 800 units a month exploring UC EQ but I’m an avid arena grinder so could afford it. Comparing my progress to my friend who doesn’t grind arena, it certainly helped getting those first EQ’s explores no matter how expensive they were

    Thanks @Rockypantherx . I really want to learn to Quake properly, I can do the Parry technique, but the Dex technique seems outta my league. I'm going to go all out with all the units I have for next month's exploration.

    Upgrade the **** out AEGON

    I'm definitely gonna, it's just that I'm waiting for him to be awakened.
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