Laid back, productive, & want to spare you donations

Hey guys,
kmac$ here from [wl64]. We're trying to put together an alliance running 3 map 4 groups to get max AQ rewards without needing donations. Currently we're running 4/4/3x5 and need a couple of boss killers to graduate that 3rd group.
We run 1 - 2 AW groups depending on interest. We've got a decently competitive group.
If you're interested, add me in-game or at kmac_qtp on Line - Line is not required for the alliance.
kmac$ here from [wl64]. We're trying to put together an alliance running 3 map 4 groups to get max AQ rewards without needing donations. Currently we're running 4/4/3x5 and need a couple of boss killers to graduate that 3rd group.
We run 1 - 2 AW groups depending on interest. We've got a decently competitive group.
If you're interested, add me in-game or at kmac_qtp on Line - Line is not required for the alliance.