JCrash91JCrash91 Member Posts: 16
A long long time ago you had "A MESSAGE TO OUR PLAYERS".. it was the first time the community stepped up big time and we had this nice feeling - you finally listening to us..


That was what we had been waiting for

Now a few month later it feels so funny to read this letters and your daily status updates.

Some examples:


"It should not have taken this response for us to create an update you’d enjoy. We should have worked with you sooner to identify these problems, and made these changes before the update was live to the world."

Thinking about the last month with all these bugs - this feels like a BIG JOKE


"Thank you for working with us, for talking to us, and for pushing us to make Marvel Contest of Champions the best it can be."

Yes we are talking to you every day, we want to work with you... DO YOU?


"We are zeroing out Critical Resistance, Block Penetration and Armor Penetration in all current Champion base stats."
"V12.0.1 Update Notes .......... Stats & System Changes: ......Removed the chance for Champions to receive a Critical Hit while blocking."

ÄHM wait a second.. yes maybe you did that BUT WHAT IS YOUR SECRET PLAN NOW ?
Yondu ... bleed while blocking
Cyclops (13.1) ... critical hits while blocking

Secretly and quietly going back to these kind of stuff ? Bringing back "Critical Hit on a successful Parry" would be awesome, right ?


"Wow. Thank you to the countless Summoners who are sending positive notes of support since yesterday’s status update. We also want to express our appreciation to all of our Summoner Beta Testers who have put in so many hours on the new changes. Their enthusiasm and the community’s positive reaction yesterday has given us 3x Full Energy refills to help us on our Quest. The collaboration with players in this “beta” beta program has been stellar. The whole team is really excited about building a bigger, better, beta program to keep this collaboration rolling."

That must have been a great feeling :smile:
But wait a moment ... are the Beta Testers gone? Your whole team and the Beta Testers wasn´t able to see these giants bugs before releasing the update last month ? Just wondering :smiley:

SO... lets go on

So please play with open cards... you know and we know what can happen if not..

I hope for the best in 13.01 but your communication NEEDS TO IMPROVE BIG TIME!!!!!!!!

The big giant massive amount of account selling should open your ears and your lips.

We do not want to be ignored anymore

I have to apologize for some errors, my english isn´t the best


  • 313rd313rd Member Posts: 160
    Interesting indeed...more interesting that no one has commented. Think people are tired of complaining. That's not a good sign
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    Block penetration is back as an ability of new champions, like Yondu. Is not for every single champion that you'll face in the game.
    Red Cyclops also needed a buff, something to make him different from the other one.
  • Time_to_clobberTime_to_clobber Member Posts: 123
    Jcrash that was really well said. Unfortunately, no dev will ever see this and absolutely nothing will come of it.

    They got the ratings back up to 4*s on the app store and called it a day.

    They do not care at all about customer satisfaction.
  • edited May 2017
    This content has been removed.
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    Morgan wrote: »
    eXtripa69 wrote: »
    Block penetration is back as an ability of new champions, like Yondu. Is not for every single champion that you'll face in the game.
    Red Cyclops also needed a buff, something to make him different from the other one.

    Oh so true!
    It must be a PURE COINCIDENCE that one of the synergies he has is with NC, the most utilized War defender champion, despite yondu and NC having nothing to do with each othr aside for being...well blue.

    Can you open you eyes just now?It's like, super duper clear where they're going with this.

    Yondu will be the new Meta defender in every high rated ally. Everyone will level him up just to place him with NC and get the block penetration on his Whole defense.

    And so you'll fight a map basically where every encounter (bosses included) are gonna damage you through blocks, it's gonna be hella fun expecially on non stunnable nodes with mystic dispersion lv5. Cap America? nah, here take this sweet dmg just cause you're blocking. you should parry...oh wait you can't. it's unstunnable.

    Heck they even couldnt come up with a decent name for the synergy itself showing why there is sinergy in the first place. "it aint easy" ? Oh please. come on. yeah it aint easy to deal with costant defense buffs.

    As it was proved since months, 12.0 wasn't taken apart, just fragmented into little injections time by time ingame without announcements.

    Nothing as riddiculous as 12.0 was done yet. The team was planning on introducing new stats, but it was a fail. Now they will introduce them as abilities since they don't want to forget about those stats. Nothing wrong with that.
    If you have problems fightning against NC or Yondu ... well, that's your problem
  • Mcord11758Mcord11758 Member Posts: 1,249 ★★★★
    12.0 was and is their design. We are moving back towards it. They are not being truthful or forthcoming regarding this but in the end it is where we will end up
  • DaMunkDaMunk Member Posts: 1,883 ★★★★
    Yeah AWD is going to have complete block penetration, just give it time. They just about ruined Captain America for war with this. I could be wrong but doubt it.
    They said they wanted block penetration in a controlled manner...then it shouldn't be a synergy. I swear they are doing anything possible to kill war.
  • ImmortalImmortal Member Posts: 323 ★★
    eXtripa69 wrote: »

    Nothing as riddiculous as 12.0 was done yet. The team was planning on introducing new stats, but it was a fail. Now they will introduce them as abilities since they don't want to forget about those stats. Nothing wrong with that.
    If you have problems fightning against NC or Yondu ... well, that's your problem

    They did introduce new stats. Furthermore, they still haven't explained it. How do we as players know if the AI has block penetration, armor penetration or not? They certainly aren't the same champs as the ones in our roster.

    1. Starlord in ACT V has max sig at 200 but the # are different from ours.

    2. Opponents randomly block and take 0 damage as if they have perfect block when they shouldn't have, such as WS in ROL.

    Questions on new champs remained unanswered during their featured week. We are left to figure it out as a community.

    New champs like Iceman were released that deals unavoidable damage. Champ was designed to be super versatile and useful, with its ice armor etc , awakened is good, but not necessary.

    Then you have champs like King Groot. Absolutely garbage champ without being awakened. The 5* version is by far the worst. Offers no utility or survival UNTIL we somehow awaken it and increase its sig to 100 +.

    Then there's Nebula. Has potential but the AI is coded to play either super aggressively or extreme defensively, making the core of her design wonky.

    With Yondu and NC synergy, now defenders can hit 35% harder through block. Is this true? Based on observation since no explanations. Its obviously not beneficial for attackers. Try 5 hit combo while opponent is blocking will always guarantee a 5 hit combo instantly.

    Talking about block penetration... in AQ the AI is hitting 800 per hit through block?

    If a level 2 alliance h pot costs 35 units and heals 1200 HP:

    35 * 2 = 70 units = 2400 HP

    70/2400 = 0.029 units per 1 HP.

    0.029 * 800 = 23.3 units per block OR $ 0.75USD per block.

    Now looking at this, wow!!! I'm in the wrong line of business ><
  • DaMunkDaMunk Member Posts: 1,883 ★★★★
    Block penetration is nothing but a unit grab. Hate to say that because I really love the game but this has the possibility to ruin one aspect of the game. War will become whoever is willing to spend the most wins. We are already halfway there anyway.
  • JCrash91JCrash91 Member Posts: 16
    I hope any Admin will comment
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