He's still got a lot of solid utility unduped. Incinerate immune, true accuracy (evade/autoblock counter), disorient for defensive ability reduction. He's also a part of some pretty good synergies - NT, darkhawk and ghost rider form a really useful trio. The new nova synergy is not half bad for night thrasher, either.
The problem with unduped night thrasher is his damage leaves a lot to be desired. His utility is good, but it can take a long time for him to get the fights down that you'll use him for. Still worth an r3 unduped, but until he's awakened (and a decently high sig level too) you'll probably have some better options to consider taking higher.
Definitely worth to rank to r3 unduped.
The problem with unduped night thrasher is his damage leaves a lot to be desired. His utility is good, but it can take a long time for him to get the fights down that you'll use him for. Still worth an r3 unduped, but until he's awakened (and a decently high sig level too) you'll probably have some better options to consider taking higher.