In my opinion, something is still off with the AI not being framed locked while receiving block hits
So, we all know about taking a special to the face while hitting the AI's block in the past. I believe this was because they are not being framed locked for a long enough amount of time when taking a blocked hit. I believe we are subjected to a longer recovery time when receiving a hit to our block than they are. Especially when facing a "high difficulty" AI. While the issue of them taking advantage of this via special attack has tapered off, I think their ability to input another action with almost zero delay after taking a blocked hit is still there. It seems like they have been instructed not to launch a special in this situation as a specific response to the complaints about that particular issue. However it doesn't seem like the root problem was fixed. They're still not being framed locked for long enough after receiving a hit to their block. Instead of throwing specials, they are now just throwing a light attack into combo. Essentially, still capitalizing on the advantage this tuning provides them, but in a different way. Let me know if this makes sense to anyone.
Also, if by throwing a light you mean they are able to recover fast enough after a combo or a blocked hit to hit you before you can block or dex back... I have had this occassionally. I have also had issues with KM not being able to fire his L2 successfully after a 5 hit combo without being blocked in 6.3.