Guillotine 2099

Hello everyone, so I just got really lucky and pulled a 5s Guillo2099 from a 300-units cav crystal yesterday.
Took her immediately to r4 and tested her in some ROL and Act6 content. Must say I'm pretty pleased with her gameplay and damage.
Just wanted to know though, do you think she deserves rank 5? What are your thoughts on her? Would love to hear some opinions form people who have her. Thanks in advance!
Took her immediately to r4 and tested her in some ROL and Act6 content. Must say I'm pretty pleased with her gameplay and damage.
Just wanted to know though, do you think she deserves rank 5? What are your thoughts on her? Would love to hear some opinions form people who have her. Thanks in advance!
Lovin her, think i’m gonna r5 her soon.