why is king groot so weak

i just r5 my king groot in the hopes that his damage output would get better at r5 but he is just as strong as when he was r3. is this a bug? he definitely needs to be fixed. my normal hits are between 100 and 300 and my crits are between 500 and 700. it takes him 90 hits to kill a masters event quest opponent all my other r5 champs take 30 or less. please explain this one kabam.
He is a tanker. He has low attack, but has the biggest HP in the game. Also he has lots of regen.
He isn't the best option for attack
Actually historically many kings have fought in battle alongside their troops.
i have beat brutal dx king groot with ease many times. it not hard to do.
He is also bleed immune which is very good since there are only a handful of good bleed immune champions. He has the highest health in game so it is completely justified he has the lowest attack. He is definitely not a defender regen is too weak since it doesn't scale and he feeds mystic attacks with MD. Lots of rank 5 champions can't beat a boss without timing out damage isn't everything he isn't like carnage who has garbage stats as well but nothing to make up for them.
Thor is a god, black widow is human, thor should disintegrate BW with one hit but he doesn't. You can't use original character abilities and strengths to justify certain champion changes these are just interpretations of such characters they don't have to be accurate.
It's called balance. That's why Luke Cage, Hulkbuster, and Colossus have such weak attacks. If you have their stats maxed for defense and attack they would be OP.
you missed it. kg is easy to fight. im speaking of player use, not fighting him
tried to make him hit harder please let me know cause i would like to keep using him in aq
I just play super agressively and intercept at every opportunity to get as many hits in as possible. I use him in my alternate account and map5 day 5 has no time outs for me since I don't take bosses with KG. You can't really get him to hit harder but you can intercept to get more hits in, since he regens so much even if you make the occasional mistake intercepting he can heal it all back
The 4* cannot ...but 5* variant can run de