Iron Patriot in comparison to Hyperion

nebneb Member Posts: 453 ★★★
edited August 2017 in General Discussion
Can someone explain to me why ip is considered garbage and needs buffs but hyperion is a god that needs nerfs? The differences are basically ip has a higher chance to stun and armor break on his sp2 and armor up buffs. Hyperion gains power gain periodically throughout the fight where ip only gains it once, but it's much stronger, and he heals for like half his hp when it happens. I know hyperion can stack fury on his heavy but ip has a 100% chance for a friggin 5.25 sec stun on his sp3. I can understand how many would say hyperion is better, but why is one omg broken nerf and one is omg broken buff?
Post edited by Kabam Vydious on


  • StefffStefff Member Posts: 121
    Hyperion's building furies on the heavy allow him to become the biggest damage dealer in the game, and his power gain is extremely frequent and powerful, enabling him to spam his L2 to build more furies and do even more damage. I've seen him take down ROL Winter Soldier in less than 200 hits.
  • Rednick69Rednick69 Member Posts: 325
    Because snowflakes without skill are jelly.
  • LocoMotivesLocoMotives Member Posts: 1,200 ★★★
    I think it's mostly the passive power gain people complain about on Hyp. IP gains power, but only at the end of the fight (like DPX) and can be planned for. Hyp is a harder fight, but he just takes some practice IMO.
  • SungjSungj Member Posts: 2,117 ★★★★★
    Hyperions power gain is insane so in the time IP throws 1 of his sp2s hyperion can throw 2 or 3. His furies stack so much his light attacks can hit over 2k damage, his sp2 with lots of fury stacks can do 40K damage +, his sp2 stun lets you chain on sp2s so you can get a stun chain going. He can at 5/50 get ROL winter soldier down in under 170 hits. IP has a decent sp2 but his sp1 and sp3 are very weak and the stun doesn't make up for it, IP's arc overload is decent but if you playing the character you don't usually get to his arc overload if you are not getting hit so his power gain is mostly useless. IP has very low damage output, his armor up is next to useless and he is a terrible defender while hyperion has some of the best damage in game, all his utility is amazing and is also a great defender thats why IP is garbage and hyperion is a god
  • DaMunkDaMunk Member Posts: 1,883 ★★★★
    Because people don't want to fight Hyperion in war so instead of learning to fight him they cry like babies.
    Iron Patriot pays a pretty big penalty for his arc overload that's why people don't like him.
  • nebneb Member Posts: 453 ★★★
    I get that hyperion is better, I just think his opness and ips trashness are overblown.
  • Jon8299Jon8299 Member Posts: 1,067 ★★★
    Iron Patriot hits very softly, as do all the Iron Men. Even with Stun and 3 stacks of Armor Breaks he hits soft. Especially now with Diminishing Returns. After he uses his sig ability (which I forget the name of) his suit burns out meaning he can't armor break anymore and his base armor is at 0.

    Hyperion hits hard, always blocks and when you go in for a heavy he evades it. His "periodic" power gain occurs a lot actually. He could get to his 3rd special in about 15 seconds. Dr. Strange before would take 21 seconds (not including MD). Hyperions 3rd special is strong.

    People talk about needing to "bait" his specials but baiting is not a game mechanic. Each champ I believe has a chace to activate each special and probably runs on a timer. I think when the timer gets to 0 there is a chance that special will be activated, if not the timer refeshes. So it could take forver to bait their 1st or 2nd special and in Hyperions case you don't have forever. Also in the AQ and AW you have 3 minutes.

    Sometimes it is easy to get him to use his first special other times it's damn near impossible and he'll get to his 3rd special. Oh well you can't always avoid a 3rd special, everyone gets hit by them for whatever reason and no one ever goes without having to revive.
  • AmonthirAmonthir Member Posts: 754 ★★★
    Because Hyperion is arguably the top Cosmic champ in the game right now, while IP is towards the bottom of the Tech champs. Hyperion does a lot of damage, has his power gain, is good on Offense or Defense, and is even poison immune. IP has low attack, not very good armor, and weaker specials. His sig will likely be irrelevant in most fights as well. Hyperion only needs a nerf to his smug face, while IP could use some stat boosts to bring him closer to mid-tier.
  • YellsomeYellsome Member Posts: 485
    edited August 2017
    neb wrote: »
    Can someone explain to me why ip is considered garbage and needs buffs but hyperion is a god that needs nerfs? The differences are basically ip has a higher chance to stun and armor break on his sp2 and armor up buffs. Hyperion gains power gain periodically throughout the fight where ip only gains it once, but it's much stronger, and he heals for like half his hp when it happens. I know hyperion can stack fury on his heavy but ip has a 100% chance for a friggin 5.25 sec stun on his sp3. I can understand how many would say hyperion is better, but why is one omg broken nerf and one is omg broken buff?

    This post is spam.IP is OP but hyperion is not..whats the use of some stupid power gain when u have a killer l3 that wrecks the **** out of u

    I hope I wont be responsible for a r5 IP!
  • Pry22Pry22 Member Posts: 136
    Leave Hyperion alone please we don't need another 12.0 ever again.
  • DoctorofEvilDoctorofEvil Member Posts: 217
    Hyperion IS Superman (Marvel's version) - enjoy the fact he is very high powered, it's fun to go up against him. No one should be complaining about his power - use any decent mystic - Dr Voodoo, Scarlet Witch, etc. and you'll be able to beat him. Bait his specials (very easy to avoid) or power burn/drain him.

    Seriously, he is not even one of the top defenders. You just need to be careful - if you mess up he will capitalize - he gets in a parry, next thing you know he has a heavy attack, five furies, and id poised to hit a special.

    Magik, Dormammu, Spiderman, and many others are much more difficult
  • GQuantaoGQuantao Member Posts: 208
    I dislike Hyperion because I usually encounter him in Arenas. In the begining rounds, no problem, but after round 15 he "cheats" - by that I mean too often I can't bait specials, he just blocks and builds up power for an SP3. If I hit him, he builds power, if I don't hit him, he builds power, if I go for a heavy while he's blocking, half the time he hits me first.
    And when he's twice as strong as my champ and won't take the bait, there's no way I can win.
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