Why do Profile pics expire in the store? Suggestion to easily implement purchasing old Profile Pics

LosspikLosspik Member Posts: 253 ★★
Hey Guys

Why do the Profile pics in the store expire every month or 2? There a couple that I didn't pick up at the time but would love to get now, specifically a couple of the 500 unit purple ones.

If there are to many to have in the store at once why not have the store for newer ones as it is currently & have all the historical ones in the profile picture selection screen I have given an example of implementation below:.

Make a Filter for un-Owned Profile Pics alongside the other filters already there & have it off as default so only IF you want to see all available profile pics you tap the Filter & Voila it shows all Profile Pics that have ever been available with their unit cost!
Tap on any of the un-owned ones you want a pop up comes up & tap purchase!

If the reason they expire currently is because they are meant to be a one time limited purchase make the historical ones no longer in the store nominally more expensive say 500 unit original cost to 550 Units to push people to preferably pick them up from the store when they feature BUT giving them the option to go back later & grab them if they want at a 10% increased price.

Example of the Filter I'm talking about in the Profile selection screen, I have photoshopped in a placeholder for a Un-Owned filter button.


  • Hammerbro_64Hammerbro_64 Member Posts: 7,463 ★★★★★
    I would rather keep the profile pics, similar to titles, time exclusive
  • BowTieJohnBowTieJohn Member Posts: 2,523 ★★★★
    Losspik said:

    Hey Guys

    Why do the Profile pics in the store expire every month or 2? There a couple that I didn't pick up at the time but would love to get now, specifically a couple of the 500 unit purple ones.

    If there are to many to have in the store at once why not have the store for newer ones as it is currently & have all the historical ones in the profile picture selection screen I have given an example of implementation below:.

    Make a Filter for un-Owned Profile Pics alongside the other filters already there & have it off as default so only IF you want to see all available profile pics you tap the Filter & Voila it shows all Profile Pics that have ever been available with their unit cost!
    Tap on any of the un-owned ones you want a pop up comes up & tap purchase!

    If the reason they expire currently is because they are meant to be a one time limited purchase make the historical ones no longer in the store nominally more expensive say 500 unit original cost to 550 Units to push people to preferably pick them up from the store when they feature BUT giving them the option to go back later & grab them if they want at a 10% increased price.

    Example of the Filter I'm talking about in the Profile selection screen, I have photoshopped in a placeholder for a Un-Owned filter button.

    Interesting suggestions.
  • LibertyPrimeV1LibertyPrimeV1 Member Posts: 4,179 ★★★★★
    They get more Value for being a Limited Time thing, Kabam is all about Impulse Buys. By having things pop up in the store that have a Constant Ticking Timer on it you have people acting more irrationally because their Choice is somewhat Rushed and they may not be able to look at the choice from all angles. Leading to more Quick Impulse Buys because people ultimately don't want to miss out on this "Special Limited Time Offer", making it permanent even with a Later Price Increase would give people more time to think about it and realize this ain't a great deal.
  • VolumeOneVolumeOne Member Posts: 97
    Losspik said:

    Hey Guys

    Why do the Profile pics in the store expire every month or 2? There a couple that I didn't pick up at the time but would love to get now, specifically a couple of the 500 unit purple ones.

    If there are to many to have in the store at once why not have the store for newer ones as it is currently & have all the historical ones in the profile picture selection screen I have given an example of implementation below:.

    Make a Filter for un-Owned Profile Pics alongside the other filters already there & have it off as default so only IF you want to see all available profile pics you tap the Filter & Voila it shows all Profile Pics that have ever been available with their unit cost!
    Tap on any of the un-owned ones you want a pop up comes up & tap purchase!

    If the reason they expire currently is because they are meant to be a one time limited purchase make the historical ones no longer in the store nominally more expensive say 500 unit original cost to 550 Units to push people to preferably pick them up from the store when they feature BUT giving them the option to go back later & grab them if they want at a 10% increased price.

    Example of the Filter I'm talking about in the Profile selection screen, I have photoshopped in a placeholder for a Un-Owned filter button.

    Think of it like how Fortnite makes their skin store on a 24 hour rotating schedule. Some kid sees a skin he really wants and knows it could be months before it's there again, they'll drop cash to make sure they get it. MCOC just doesn't have anything as interesting as skins besides PFP so it's up longer but not enough get bought to make them change the way they're sold.
  • lowlevelplayerlowlevelplayer Member Posts: 4,292 ★★★★★
    don't waste precious units on useless profile pics
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