I thought there was talk at one time that they were going to allow alliances to agree to speed up placement if all champs were placed.
For planning purposes, 24 hours is nice though tbh. First, some people just don't place immediately like they should and it gives the alliance time to track them down. Second, it's easier for making sure the war can start at the time most convenient for your alliance. When you push the find match up button, you know the war starts at that time the next day. Whereas, you hit it at noon and it starts at midnight. It's a problem. Finally, that ties into the third point. If it's a 12 hour placement, but 24 hour war, you may end up with people not being able to fight at the end of the war bc of sleep/work.
For planning purposes, 24 hours is nice though tbh. First, some people just don't place immediately like they should and it gives the alliance time to track them down. Second, it's easier for making sure the war can start at the time most convenient for your alliance. When you push the find match up button, you know the war starts at that time the next day. Whereas, you hit it at noon and it starts at midnight. It's a problem. Finally, that ties into the third point. If it's a 12 hour placement, but 24 hour war, you may end up with people not being able to fight at the end of the war bc of sleep/work.