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The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

6.3 initial clear?

Do you think I could get my first time completion of 6.3 using these champs and not having the worst time ever?

6.3 initial clear? 15 votes

Yeah, go for it!
danielmathUncle_Fatty_247Mhd20034Paulo_PkRogerRabsTehsigzorzEtjamaCtfz35H3t3rTwistedTalentz 10 votes
It might be tough at parts, but you’ve got most of the right chanps
Karatemike415Synq_SpawnzyyRocketWaffleIdonthaveaname 4 votes
No way, don’t even try it
K3600 1 vote


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    LittlePeteLittlePete Posts: 50
    These champs btw
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    LittlePeteLittlePete Posts: 50

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    RogerRabsRogerRabs Posts: 548 ★★★★
    Yeah, go for it!
    Fury can counter Medusa, Fury, and Mysterio bosses
    Void, Hyp or Corvus for IMIW
    Hyp or Colossus for Havok
    If you have a Hood at 5 or 6 stars then Ghost can take the CapIW
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    LittlePeteLittlePete Posts: 50
    RogerRabs said:

    Fury can counter Medusa, Fury, and Mysterio bosses
    Void, Hyp or Corvus for IMIW
    Hyp or Colossus for Havok
    If you have a Hood at 5 or 6 stars then Ghost can take the CapIW

    No hood sadly...
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    KelvinKageKelvinKage Posts: 372 ★★★
    Corvus with 2-3 charges can take capIW boss with a revive or 2 if you play well
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