What will you do with Cull if...

Too large an amount of people decide to sell him because he's just not a useful practical champion anymore. Is there any chance at all of a further rebalance or you'll just keep him as a dead champ RIP. Is this something you will consider with rebalances?
This really is a fair question so please don't delete it.
This really is a fair question so please don't delete it.
Stark Spidey has similar issue but at least, I get assisted evade and avoid certain unevadeable specials.
I can use him in UC monthly events, but I have other better champs to use. And aside last bosses of these quest, I normally use 4r5 or 5r3 champs, goal is to try and get use to champs I dont have as 5stars or worth ranking up from r3.
I really dont know how many people that use him though. Whether he's been use in AQ or AW, not seen a single person ever in AW attack. But maybe someone somewhere uses him.
Anyways, nothing can be done now, is just what it is. Let's look forward to the future and see what's installed in it.
I have a 6* Cull and I think he's more stable now than before. The maximum damage potential is lowered but the gap from very low to very high damage is also lowered, which means that it is easier to reach that sweet spot and that damage is still absolutely great.
I think the increased chance to apply armour break on heavy is so good. Combined with despair mastery you easily heal block and potentially reverse it? I don't think there are many champions that as easily as Cull applies several (like 10) armour breaks.
I think people forget his utility as well, like when he has 5+ favour buffs he totally ignores evade and auto block. I love that utility.
I would not sell that child of Thanos