Hi. I couldn’t find you on Line, but perhaps you’d be interested in joining CHAØS. We are a relaxed group that strives to strike a balance between real life and enjoying the game. We keep things fun, respectful, and manageable and are a good fit for a player who logs in several times a day but does not want to feel the 24/7 pressure of higher maps.
Line is required. We have been on the bubble between Gold 1 and Gold 2 and are aiming to solidify a spot in Gold 1. Donations are not required. We use a mix of heroic and master modifiers in AQ, with maps 445, for the 170m milestone and t2 fragments as honor rewards.
An ideal candidate has over 9k prestige, has an assortment of r4 5* and 6* champs for attack and defense, can handle mini bosses and bosses in AQ/AW, is working on or already has the Cavalier title, and is a good communicator. If this interests you, please reply here or contact DarthFigment on Line. Thanks!
Line is required. We have been on the bubble between Gold 1 and Gold 2 and are aiming to solidify a spot in Gold 1. Donations are not required. We use a mix of heroic and master modifiers in AQ, with maps 445, for the 170m milestone and t2 fragments as honor rewards.
An ideal candidate has over 9k prestige, has an assortment of r4 5* and 6* champs for attack and defense, can handle mini bosses and bosses in AQ/AW, is working on or already has the Cavalier title, and is a good communicator. If this interests you, please reply here or contact DarthFigment on Line. Thanks!
300mn aq
Too g2 this season we'll be g1
Epico1 in line