Born Lucky Crystals

PurceluSPurceluS Member Posts: 13
It`s ok to spend units for this crystals? Im cavalier from few months, i can do uncolected without spending units or revs and units started to gather on my acc at 8000 right now. I was thinking to try my luck but idk if is ok to spend units for this or better keep to finish act6, variants or idk LoL or abyss. Any advice is wellcomed. Thank you.


  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,998 ★★★★★
    You're always taking a chance. Saving is more prudent, but if you want to roll the dice, just buy some and save the rest.
  • Nabz034Nabz034 Member Posts: 221 ★★
    I wouldn’t, I kinda stopped spending tho when they announced the nerfs, and after seeing what they called “Rebalance”, Unless it’s a deal to good to be true, I won’t be spending any more money.

    But, it’s on you, if you can use the champs, then go for it
  • LogarooLogaroo Member Posts: 100
    I have purchased feature cavs religiously since they came out. I've never once pulled a 5 or 6* version of either the feature or subfeature champ. So I'd probably recommend not bothering. I have gotten a few 5* and a total of 2 6* out of those hundreds of crystals so if thats worthwhile then I guess thats a decision each individual needs to make.
  • NeotwismNeotwism Member Posts: 1,803 ★★★★★
    I spent multiple odins on the domino cav recently and never got a single 5* or 6*. It's all if u think u will be one of the lucky few who pull the featured champ. Odds aren't in your favor but someone will pull them so it may be you.
  • PurceluSPurceluS Member Posts: 13
    Thank you for the reply guys, i guess i could try one life time to open 20 or 25 crystals and thats it. If odin bless me with few luck and get somethig...... Or not :)))))
  • PurceluSPurceluS Member Posts: 13

  • PurceluSPurceluS Member Posts: 13
    I guess this is more then average? Im verry happy with this pull.
  • Bugmat78Bugmat78 Member Posts: 2,491 ★★★★★
    25 is a LOT of crystals, but even then that's a better result than many get.
  • PurceluSPurceluS Member Posts: 13
    We have today any easter offers?
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