10.3k prestige Lf safe plat3 top 200 aq alliance

Sup,Looking for safe plat3 but stress free,aq top 90 or minimum top 250 alliance
13 5/65
Current prestige 10.3K will increase up to 10.5 as I’m 3 paths away to 100% LOL m on it
Aq map 6x5 or couple map 7
Drama free alliance
Plz leave ur alliance tag Name and line I’d I’ll hit u up asap cheers
13 5/65
Current prestige 10.3K will increase up to 10.5 as I’m 3 paths away to 100% LOL m on it
Aq map 6x5 or couple map 7
Drama free alliance
Plz leave ur alliance tag Name and line I’d I’ll hit u up asap cheers
Rank around 100 in AQ. Aiming plat 3 next season.