Sig stones into HT or void?

Hey all! Just pulled a 5* HT. He’s going to be awakened and brought to R5 ASAP for my abyss run, but I was wondering how I should use my sig stones now. I’m about to get a bunch of generic sig stones from selling cull, and planned to use them on void (would be enough to get him to roughly sig 160). But with a R5 CAIW (s200) & HT, is it worth it to invest so many RSS into void? Alternatively I could put ~20 science into HT, use ~60 to max sig my SS spidey (nice prestige bump, prestige dropped a lil selling cull) and save ~80 generics for OR (I run suicides, OR is at the top of my wish list right now). Thanks


  • BonzodavidBonzodavid Member Posts: 586 ★★★
    edited February 2020
    Void needs the sigs more but since you have caiw and human torch I don't think you'll really use void.
    Human torch really doesn't need that many sig levels.

    My advice would be to use the generics on other champions and use the science ones on torch since you'll be using him for your abbys run
  • KennadoKennado Member Posts: 1,013 ★★★
    Manup456 said:

    Void needs the sigs more than Torch

    Yep. Human Torch is a "1 sig" champ.
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