Corvus Glaive mission 4 against Spider-Man (Symbiote) not working

I used Corvus Glaive against Spider-Man (Symbiote). Spider-Man (Symbiote) evaded once, and I knocked him down (not out) with a heavy. Corvus Glaive did not gained the cruelty buff during the fight, and didn't gain the persistent charge after the fight. It happened in a daily T4CC event quest (cosmic day), and in Master X-Communication event 3-2.
This is the only Symbiote Spiderman in the event in 3.1. I found your problem though, he's on buffet node. Your True Damage/True Strike is being nullified from Buffet.
I am not able to find a high level Symbiote Spiderman for duel to test this. ( I use CG everyday and missions 4 against other fights works fine, only not with Symbiote Spiderman from my 2 encounters.