Alliance Quest

In a game that is ever-evolving in fun and exciting ways, alliance quest has become tedious, exhausting, unexciting. Five days a week, week after week, with little to no real change. People literally have to fake bathroom breaks to move; I have had alliance mates set an alarm in the middle of night to move; people lie to their spouse to get away and run a path. If someone is traveling, just have to give up nodes. This is not how a game should be. 30 minute timers would harm no one, would keep things even, and allow the pace of AQ to move faster so people don't get sick of the game. I literally dread when the new AQ week starts. I have to hope no one has a problem, a life emergency, a work emergency, or figure out when I can sleep. It's ridiculous. I appreciate effort the team has made to change AQ, adding modifiers, changing the mini boss, but those things do not alter the fundamental problem with AQ - it's long, it's tedious, and can be fixed by reducing the refresh timer and making the quest move faster.