Who to rank 5?

I'm about to take my first 5 star to rank 5, and I'm having a hard time deciding who to rank up. I'd appreciate any help you can provide. These are my options:

Who to rank 5? 10 votes

PHJfinLykanonZakrw_317Bossmode12 4 votes
Archangel (duped)
Black Widow (Claire Voyant)
DREWRN1Moosetiptronicredsoxpatsfan89PaddoVellaKX 5 votes
Spider-Man (Stealth Suit)
K3600 1 vote


  • VellaKXVellaKX Member Posts: 17
    Black Widow (Claire Voyant)
    It’s a really hard choice, all of them are gods, i would say BWCV, i have her and i love playing with her, she has really good abilities. But the other ones are good too, my choice is personal.
  • PaddoPaddo Member Posts: 90
    Black Widow (Claire Voyant)
    All are really great, butt I'd say Domino or Black Widow are useful in allmost every situation. Archangel is limited to enemies that can be both bled and poisened, and Stealthy needs to be able to do his full rotation to be really effective. My personal favorite is Black Widow Claire Voyant, she really has so much she can do with her abilities
  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,599 ★★★★★
    Claire if you run suicides domino if not
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