Gold offer with bad description

R96R96 Member Posts: 27
edited August 2017 in General Discussion
In your recent in-game gold offer it is stated that the greater gold crystals gives ATLEAST 23k gold but every single one of the 15 of these crystals offered in the offer gave exactly 23k not even a single one gave more. I hope that is a mistake in the description with a future compensation and not another disgusting cheap child trick from your game team with the excusse that these crystals have an extremely low chance to give more than 23k of gold.


  • Jon8299Jon8299 Member Posts: 1,067 ★★★
    That's how it goes. Some will only get 23k gold from each crystal.
  • Jon8299Jon8299 Member Posts: 1,067 ★★★
    Unless you're new to the game you should that when it comes to wording, Kabam doesn't do it all too well.

    That's not meant as an insult, just that it seems things are awlays unclear for people and they always have to edit their own posts or threads to be more clear.

    Look at the dates for the AQ. People weren't sure if it was a typo or for real. It's because it happens frequently. Recently there was the issue of Hoods ability discription and people saying he was nerfed. Before it was Scarlet Witch when people said her sig ability didn't work 100% of the time so her disription as well as others have been changed.
  • R96R96 Member Posts: 27
    Jon8299 wrote: »
    Unless you're new to the game you should that when it comes to wording, Kabam doesn't do it all too well.

    That's not meant as an insult, just that it seems things are awlays unclear for people and they always have to edit their own posts or threads to be more clear.

    Look at the dates for the AQ. People weren't sure if it was a typo or for real. It's because it happens frequently. Recently there was the issue of Hoods ability discription and people saying he was nerfed. Before it was Scarlet Witch when people said her sig ability didn't work 100% of the time so her disription as well as others have been changed.

    Bro people werent wrong about scarlet kabam used the descriptions to nerf her as they did with many champs at their will, they nerfed scarlet with the description making her sig a chance of a chance, they nerfed gamora's assassin with saying her description wasnt clear while I as many others could swear her assassin happened twice per fight. They have done that countless times they have even been nerfing some champs by change their descriptions secretly recently like dormmamu. I dont get why u even had to state such a thing u are literally saying they always mess up and its regular and we dont have to complain.
  • HoidCosmereHoidCosmere Member Posts: 550 ★★
    R96 wrote: »
    Jon8299 wrote: »
    Unless you're new to the game you should that when it comes to wording, Kabam doesn't do it all too well.

    That's not meant as an insult, just that it seems things are awlays unclear for people and they always have to edit their own posts or threads to be more clear.

    Look at the dates for the AQ. People weren't sure if it was a typo or for real. It's because it happens frequently. Recently there was the issue of Hoods ability discription and people saying he was nerfed. Before it was Scarlet Witch when people said her sig ability didn't work 100% of the time so her disription as well as others have been changed.

    Bro people werent wrong about scarlet kabam used the descriptions to nerf her as they did with many champs at their will, they nerfed scarlet with the description making her sig a chance of a chance, they nerfed gamora's assassin with saying her description wasnt clear while I as many others could swear her assassin happened twice per fight. They have done that countless times they have even been nerfing some champs by change their descriptions secretly recently like dormmamu. I dont get why u even had to state such a thing u are literally saying they always mess up and its regular and we dont have to complain.

    Poor communication is pretty much SOP with this group.
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