OR or Juggernaut for Colossus synergy?

So I just R4d my duped 5* Colossus. After testing him out in RoL (with both OR and Juggernaut on the team) I could get WS down in 50 hits. My 5* OR is unduped and R3, and my Jugg, well, go figure. I'm thinking of bringing Colossus into my questing team, but I'm unsure which synergy benefits him more out of the two. I can't afford to bring both, as they would take up much needed space for my better champs.
TL;DR, which synergy is stronger for Colossus: OR or Juggernaut?
Thanks in advance!
TL;DR, which synergy is stronger for Colossus: OR or Juggernaut?
Thanks in advance!