Best mastery setup and team for 5.2

Just recently got to act 5.2. Want to finish it to get uncollected.
I am level 59 with 55 mastery points available. Below are my top champs.
If anyone can let me know which mastery setup to use and champs to take in, I would be grateful.

I am level 59 with 55 mastery points available. Below are my top champs.
If anyone can let me know which mastery setup to use and champs to take in, I would be grateful.

You want to max cruelty and precision. Max glass cannon if you can, that will help with more attack power.
Here is a reference of my mastery in my baby account when I got UC at level 48. I don’t have glass cannon, despair, deep wound and assassin unlocked as that is very expensisve. Took me 4-5 L1 revives using a 5/50 corvus to kill collector.