Best mastery setup and team for 5.2

GimmeCullGimmeCull Member Posts: 52
edited February 2020 in Strategy and Tips
Just recently got to act 5.2. Want to finish it to get uncollected.

I am level 59 with 55 mastery points available. Below are my top champs.

If anyone can let me know which mastery setup to use and champs to take in, I would be grateful.


  • GimmeCullGimmeCull Member Posts: 52
    Pictures didn't load properly. Fixed
  • GimmeCullGimmeCull Member Posts: 52
    Can anyone please help? Thank you.
  • zuffyzuffy Member Posts: 2,265 ★★★★★
    With a 4/55 capiw, holy trinity, corvus, domino, AA. You have the champs to make an easy run at uncollected with basic mastery.

    You want to max cruelty and precision. Max glass cannon if you can, that will help with more attack power.

    Here is a reference of my mastery in my baby account when I got UC at level 48. I don’t have glass cannon, despair, deep wound and assassin unlocked as that is very expensisve. Took me 4-5 L1 revives using a 5/50 corvus to kill collector.

  • GimmeCullGimmeCull Member Posts: 52
    Thank you for the help. Looks like a solid mastery setup. Will try it. Not much different to my current setup.
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