Help me pro players......

I have completed act 4 and started moving towards act 5 but the opponents in 5.1.4 are defeating me as if am a noob.
I think that i have enough powerful champions. These are -
R5 4* duped wasp
R5 4* duped sparky
R4 duped medusa
R5 unduped cap marvel
R5 duped morningstar
R4 duped gwenpool
R4 unduped hyperion.
After reading this i think that you can understand the champions i have are stronger but my skills aren't stronger. So can you please tell me what skills i need to learn more and how can i practise more and more.
I think that i have enough powerful champions. These are -
R5 4* duped wasp
R5 4* duped sparky
R4 duped medusa
R5 unduped cap marvel
R5 duped morningstar
R4 duped gwenpool
R4 unduped hyperion.
After reading this i think that you can understand the champions i have are stronger but my skills aren't stronger. So can you please tell me what skills i need to learn more and how can i practise more and more.
To sum up, you should get through 5.1 without spending many revives or much units (you will need them in act 5.2).
***Would really help u in Act 5 to RUp a "True" Regen, Power Control, Evade Counter, & Double/Triple+ Immunity Champ. (Btw, Blade-GR-Starky synergy team +2 "specialists" still works excellent in most of Act 5)
These have helped ALL our allies who've watched them. Hope these help.