How is this possible?

Grandmaster007Grandmaster007 Member Posts: 88
edited February 2020 in General Discussion

Saw this somewhere and it made wonder if it was possible to get that much regen.


  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,239 ★★★★★
    edited February 2020
    Yes, highly skilled player.
  • Apollo107Apollo107 Member Posts: 104
    Yes, regen scales w/ your souls
  • lowlevelplayerlowlevelplayer Member Posts: 4,292 ★★★★★
    That's pretty ridiculous but plausible, but I don't think that the whole fight was done with gulliotine, it might have been taken out of context
  • Va7686Va7686 Member Posts: 18

    That's pretty ridiculous but plausible, but I don't think that the whole fight was done with gulliotine, it might have been taken out of context

    Nah the whole fight was done with guilly. Fight took about nine mins.

    If I hadn’t done the entire fight with guilly I wouldn’t have been able to build up enough souls to get that insane sp3 damage and regen.

    I kept on hitting him until I had 39 souls, and at that point he has 80% health left.

    From there the sp3 did 39x2% of his total health. So 78% of his health. Had to make sure not to kill him with the sp3 or I wouldn’t be able to get the screenshot. It would just go straight to the victory screen.

    And I was lucky enough to proc her regen off of the sp3 hence the massive regen which is based how much damage the hit dealt. 10% chance for it to proc on any hit. Took a few runs through before it finally procced off the sp3.

    My goal was just trying to see how large of a regen number I could get off of guilly.

    Had to use a 2* since a high rarity would kill WS quicker, and I wouldn’t be able to build up as many souls without dropping his health% too low
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