Heroes Names Translation (Portuguese-BR)
Does name translations follow the official version of heroes in their respectives countries or Kabam just adapt to the game as they want? I saw some changes that is kinda uncomfortable when we already know the character. For example, Sentry is known in Brazil as "Sentinela", but "Sentinela" is also the killer mutant robot (Sentinel). Couldn't it be adapted calling the robot "Projeto Sentinela" (Project Sentinel) and let "Sentinela" for Sentry? It's weird to read "Vigilante" with a "S" in his belt. Another example is Night Thrasher, who is called "Radical" in Brazil (what means that he plays sports in a dangerous way, not "radical" in an ideological meaning), and in the game adaptation is called "Espancador" (something like "Beater"). Sometimes I play with the game in English for avoid those confusing changes.