Omega Brotherhood ~ 25 Mil Ally / G1 (T5) / 5x5 (Top 900) LF 1 US timezone player

We are a UK/EURO/US Ally
In AQ we run:
3 BGS / 5x5
230+mil per week / top 900
In AW we are:
G1 / T5
Donations are 75k Gold / 7k Loyalty pw
We dont have specific requirements for events ~ but we do always hit top milestones for 3 day & 1 day events. SA is 500k+ pw automatic.
We are looking for Team Minded players that are Communicative / Active / Skilled / and work on always building up their roster and growing themselves in game.
We've done really well w. higher end players wanting to step down from Map 6/7 life and still get good rewards from Map 5 efforts.
Ideally you are upper 8s --> 9k+ prestige
If you have any questions please ask away!
Line Chat Room:
(Last weeks AQ Rewards)

Alternatively (to LINE recruitment room link above 👆🏼) ~ feel free to reach out to me directly 👇🏼

.. or Boss man 👇🏼