T4B daily potion nerf

Has anyone else noticed that we are no longer getting t3 health potions from fights in the T4B daily? If you got a potion it always used to be a t3, but for the last week or so I've only been getting t2. This was a great way to get some t3 potions as well as T4B frags if you didn't feel like running RoL. Silly thing to nerf IMO.
You can see the potential drops by tapping the rewards bar on the prefight info panel.
The only thing that could have changed is your playing habits.
P.s. you only have a handful of fights that potentially drop l3s so it’s easy for them to “dry up”.
P.s. you only have a handful of fights that potentially drop l3s so it’s easy for them to “dry up”.
I'll hope that this is actually what's going on. Fingers crossed. The purpose really of me posting this thread was to see if anyone else was experiencing the same, but consensus seems to be no.
Thanks to all who replied.