Duped SW or unduped Ultron or unduped Stark SM to 4/40?

DoctorofEvilDoctorofEvil Member Posts: 217
edited August 2017 in General Discussion
Trying to figure out whether to take my duped (sig 23) four star SW or my unduped four star Stark SM or Ultron to 4/40. Main focus is finishing RTL (currently on chapter 3, quest 4)

Other top champs include a five star unduped Hulk at 2/35, an unduped four star Hyperion at 4/40, and duped four star versions of Wolverine, Dr Voodoo, GP, and CA WW2 at 4/40...

Duped SW or unduped Ultron or unduped Stark SM to 4/40? 10 votes

Duped SW
OKAYGangmum_m2Superman69KyloCreeperwizard365KingOfMcoc 6 votes
Unduped Ultron
Unduped Stark SM
YellsomeSpeedbumpInvisibleShadow_roast 4 votes
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