T2A Expiring - Rankup Dilemma

Content Progression
V1 - 74%V2, V3, V4 - 100%
6.1 - 100%
6.2 - 54%
6.3 - 28%
LoL - easy path done
Looking to rankup with 6.2/6.3 exploration in mind, as well as upcoming 6.4 content.
Current R5/R2 Champs

Top Picks for Rankup

Other Options
There are several other 5* champs in line for R4/R5 treatment, but I’ll be using gems to take them up, so they wouldn’t solve my issue with expiring T2A.
Other 6*s I could take up are displayed below. Though he’s unduped, I’m somewhat tempted to take up Fury as I run him often alongside my 6R2 Captain Marvel. Not an ideal choice, would be a long-term investment for the future more than anything. I’m holding onto 7x T5B, so that’s not too big an issue.

Any and all feedback would be greatly appreciated!
T2A Expiring - Rankup Dilemma 28 votes
Rank 2 NF.
I don't have any immediate use for an R5 SS (he's served me tremendously well as an R4), but the extra stat boosts should be handy when I revisit 6.2.6 and 6.3.1 in the near future.