Your a few weeks late. If u qualified and didn't receive them 2 weeks ago u need to open a ticket with tech support using the gear icon in the upper left corner of the game.
I think I did receive them. I just don’t remember two weeks ago lol. I work a lot and everything is kind of a blur this time of year. Thanks for the response.
This doesn't seem as straightforward as it is though. I have a few alliance members asking the same question.
Season rewards always come out shortly after the season ends. The only way to fin out now is to ask tech support and they can check and tell u the day u received them if u got them. Why didn't your alliance mates speak up before now? Didn't ppl talk about it in chat when they got their rewards? If it wasn't so long ago they may have been able to find it in their read mail in-game, but I doubt it's still there after this much time has passed.