Any good hints on how to defeat MODOK

I always have big trouble when I am facing MODOK so I am kind of anxious about having to deal with him as a big boss in love is a battle realm on master difficulty.

I am a very average player and this is my roster: any help would be appreciated

I am a very average player and this is my roster: any help would be appreciated
If limber or stun immunity are in play, it's a bit trickier. You'll need to keep a closer eye on his blue shield icon. When it's present, he can autoblock your attacks. If it's down, you can counterattack him as you would any champ. Once it's back, it's best to just do 1 hit and back away. Practice baiting out an punishing his L1. It's an easy way to get it for some hits.
Damage over time works well on him too. Guillotine, Sunspot, Sentinel, and Iceman would be great options for this reason. True Strike can bypass his autoblock ability. Killmonger is a great counter, but I don't see him. I do see Corvus. If you have Proxima for Synergy and you're able to get the Evasion mission done, he'll have True Strike and you won't have to worry about autoblock.
Good luck.
if you have a proxima of any rarity you can use the synergy with corvus to get True Strike (hit modok, let him autoblock you then knock him down with an heavy to get the true strike and the charge), or you can use heimdall, he gets a true strike buff when using a Special that lasts until you don't get hit (blocking is ok) ^_^
Killmonger can get a long-lasting true strike once you can punish a special attack, so he's another great option.