Which 5* to max out

I finally have enough resources to take one 5* to R5/65. I am torn between 2 champs in particular.
AA or Quake, both are awakened. AA is at sig 99.
I also have venom and Ghost Rider but they are not awakened.
AA or Quake, both are awakened. AA is at sig 99.
I also have venom and Ghost Rider but they are not awakened.
Venom, AA-ron & Quake all have very niche specialities on top of all being very good champions and all are R5 worthy.
Venom shuts down all Spider-man Evaders, is a viable Havok counter (just gotta ensure one of his symbiote buffs is armour) and does amazing damage in general albeit with a slight reliance on bleeding.
AA-ron has massive damage output, prevents regeneration* and can reduce/remove ability accuracy* (when woke) - but ONLY if the opponent is vulnerable to bleed and poison.
Quake is a virtual skeleton key for content but has a very high skill threshold to get over before you can do ANYTHING with her.