Red Hulk Physical Resistance Bug

Whenever I fight Red Hulk (in AQ, AW, Duels, arena etc), I can't do anymore than 70 damage to him with a single hit. Given that there's 100% HP + Attack boosts on him, the fight gets really dragged out and I usually get timed out and lose half my HP.
Now here's where it gets weird.
Whenever I do a crit on RH, it does around 700-1200+ damage (depending on the champ) but on normal hits I barely do 40 damage. After RH overheats, the issue fixes itself and I begin to do normal damage again on him but that doesn't last long since he gains his charges immediately after with no cooldown (a different bug).
So basically, I jump from doing 400+ damage a hit (after he overheats) to barely 40 damage a hit as soon as he gains 1 heat charge. This bug also happens when using starlord whose DPS should increase based on how high his combo is but with RH, SL's damage still remains in the 40-90 zone.
P.S, I am aware that this bug is particularly old (found a similar post from May), but the issue still stands: RH is nearly impossible beat with this bug.
Now here's where it gets weird.
Whenever I do a crit on RH, it does around 700-1200+ damage (depending on the champ) but on normal hits I barely do 40 damage. After RH overheats, the issue fixes itself and I begin to do normal damage again on him but that doesn't last long since he gains his charges immediately after with no cooldown (a different bug).
So basically, I jump from doing 400+ damage a hit (after he overheats) to barely 40 damage a hit as soon as he gains 1 heat charge. This bug also happens when using starlord whose DPS should increase based on how high his combo is but with RH, SL's damage still remains in the 40-90 zone.
P.S, I am aware that this bug is particularly old (found a similar post from May), but the issue still stands: RH is nearly impossible beat with this bug.