Tell me about Alliances!

Have played for two years now and never joined an Alliance. But starting to get interested. I just don’t understand it all...
I see all this ”Gold map prestige line 120mil+ etc” talk and I don’t understand anything??? Would be grateful for any clear explanations, tips on YouTube videos that could clear out what everything is.
I’m not one of the best players but not the worst either. What should I look/ask for if joining an Alliance? Things to avoid? How active do you have to be in an Alliance?

I see all this ”Gold map prestige line 120mil+ etc” talk and I don’t understand anything??? Would be grateful for any clear explanations, tips on YouTube videos that could clear out what everything is.
I’m not one of the best players but not the worst either. What should I look/ask for if joining an Alliance? Things to avoid? How active do you have to be in an Alliance?

Big key is that you choose to join one that lines up with your desires. Don't overextend yourself or it will no longer be fun.
The map # refers to which AQ maps they usually run, so 445 means two groups (of 10) doing map 4, 1 doing map 5. Higher maps are harder but get better rewards.
The higher AQ maps cost resources to start, which members donate towards; alliances usually require everyone to donate their share.
Line is a third-party chat app that a lot of Alliances use to coordinate AQ and AW.
Aw you’ll likely get assigned a path every war and 5 defenders to place, it’s fairly self explanatory, place those champs you’re assigned on defence then pick champions for attack to use on the path you’re given, each fight will have nodes which don’t change between wars, but champions will. Based on war tier you get a points multiplier, which is for seasons, higher multiplier means more points and more rewards, in a season you need to play 5 wars to qualify for rewards. Definitely don’t overextended yourself for war though or you’ll end up using tons of ally potions
map - which of the 7 AQ maps they run (so 5x5 is five map 5s, 5x4 6x1 is map six one day and the rest 5, etc.)
prestige- that basically is a multiplier for AQ points. It is the mastery-less average of your top 5. Yours is fairly low, enough so that you don’t rlly need to care that much.
line- this is the main 3rd party communications app. It just makes comms easier
12mil- that’s just alliance rating (sum of all member’s BHR
Tier # - that would be AW tier. Basically how alliances communicate how competitive they are in AW
Any other “definitions” that need explaining?