9.7mil Alliance looking for 1 (4500 Prestige+)

The Loose Canons are looking to fill one spot. A little bit about us;
- Incredibly friendly, supportive and communicative group composed of a core group of players who have been with the alliance for a long while.
- An AQ focused group who are on the verge of breaking into the 100mil bracket (Weekly AQ rewards of; 900 Glory/1 T4 Basic/1 Greater Glory Crystal/2 Glory Crystals)
- Weekly SA rewards in the 6%-20% Bracket (475 5* Shards/45 4* Shards/2 Team Alliance Potions/4 Gold Crystals) We've also been known to get bumped up into higher brackets for more rewards on the occasion.
- We run alliance War on the side. We bounce around in a few different tiers but we stay in the 2-4 range.
- We use Line to communicate for AQ, AW and everything in between. Chances are you'll get caught up in some ridiculous conversation that we go off on a tangent about. We laugh and have fun outside of the game, so don't be shy to join in.
- One or two of our players have completed at least 1 run of LoL with a few more prepping to go. We can offer a spot that allows you to, in time, earn the materials you need to eventually make a run yourself.
A big emphasis, however, is on the prestige part. While a lot of MCoC members are great people, we are at the point where prestige is important. If you are under 4,500 prestige, this alliance is not for you at this time. If you ARE above that threshold, please contact me in-game at; Nickerdoodle93 (or search for the LMAO2 alliance tag) or on Line at: nickerdoodle93 (in-game is a capitol N, on Line is lower case. Line profile has a Dormammu profile pic)
- Nickerdoodle
- Incredibly friendly, supportive and communicative group composed of a core group of players who have been with the alliance for a long while.
- An AQ focused group who are on the verge of breaking into the 100mil bracket (Weekly AQ rewards of; 900 Glory/1 T4 Basic/1 Greater Glory Crystal/2 Glory Crystals)
- Weekly SA rewards in the 6%-20% Bracket (475 5* Shards/45 4* Shards/2 Team Alliance Potions/4 Gold Crystals) We've also been known to get bumped up into higher brackets for more rewards on the occasion.
- We run alliance War on the side. We bounce around in a few different tiers but we stay in the 2-4 range.
- We use Line to communicate for AQ, AW and everything in between. Chances are you'll get caught up in some ridiculous conversation that we go off on a tangent about. We laugh and have fun outside of the game, so don't be shy to join in.
- One or two of our players have completed at least 1 run of LoL with a few more prepping to go. We can offer a spot that allows you to, in time, earn the materials you need to eventually make a run yourself.
A big emphasis, however, is on the prestige part. While a lot of MCoC members are great people, we are at the point where prestige is important. If you are under 4,500 prestige, this alliance is not for you at this time. If you ARE above that threshold, please contact me in-game at; Nickerdoodle93 (or search for the LMAO2 alliance tag) or on Line at: nickerdoodle93 (in-game is a capitol N, on Line is lower case. Line profile has a Dormammu profile pic)
- Nickerdoodle