Namor damage back from One Eye Open...?

I just ranked up Namor and figured this One Eye Open lane would be perfect for him since he'd be immune and reflect all the damage dealt during a parry stun...first run through with him yesterday and it seemed like I wasn't reflecting the damage during the stun so I searched the forums and YouTube for any info and only came up with posts about the reflection damage loop bug from August last year...
He's definitely taking damage during the stun, the node and the sig ability are pretty clear, he shouldn't be taking damage am I missing something here?
I'm uploading a video of it now so I'll have video proof later if it's needed.
I just ranked up Namor and figured this One Eye Open lane would be perfect for him since he'd be immune and reflect all the damage dealt during a parry stun...first run through with him yesterday and it seemed like I wasn't reflecting the damage during the stun so I searched the forums and YouTube for any info and only came up with posts about the reflection damage loop bug from August last year...
He's definitely taking damage during the stun, the node and the sig ability are pretty clear, he shouldn't be taking damage am I missing something here?
I'm uploading a video of it now so I'll have video proof later if it's needed.
Can’t guarantee anything cause you’re running suicides and it’s very messy to see the numbers.
If you’re very sure it’s a bug, take off your suicides and try the fight again.
The DOT is being reflected from liquid courage and double edge...and there was a major damage loop bug last year with this node.
But because you’re on suicides, the numbers get very messy with things being reflected here and there.
So your suicides damage, after applying your sig ability, is reflected to the defender, who then reapplies it back to you. And since the loop bug was fixed, it’s likely that the damage reflected back to you will bypass your sig to deal the actual damage to you.
And even if what you're saying is what's happening that's not what the in-game text supports, either the node description needs to change to excluding reflected damage or Namors sig description should change and not include "damage from all sources" suggestion is changing the node and making sure Namor is immune to the damage dack.