Hulk Rangnarok or She hulk

Bossman9Bossman9 Member Posts: 24
Which one to rank up both unduped 5stars. Cheers

Hulk Rangnarok or She hulk 9 votes

Hulk Ragnarok
She Hulk
NanoDroidTROUBL3DNEO_mr_AndersonCiciliatoKevanproGThicco_ModeAgentkXguard77 8 votes


  • BenQcSlayerBenQcSlayer Member Posts: 867 ★★★
    Depends or what are ur Goals.... Ghulk is X-large and I heard is a beast in Variant, plus is face me can be very useful.

    She-Hulk, is just... amazing, can take down 6.2.6 Champion boss, and her SP1 allows you to bypass Irresistible buffs and evade buffs. Her SP2 apply's petrify and can reverse healing.... plus 15% to bait a SP from the defender for every fury buffs you got.... She Got me through a lot of content.

    In the end it's comes down to what your team is composed of, what are your needs to have a full team allowing you to tackle any content and quests.... and that includes the roll your chosen champ will have in a synergy team.

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