Monthly EQ rewards boost suggestions!

Elad17Elad17 Member Posts: 332 ★★
I have played this game for about 3 years now. I have amassed a very good roster to combat almost all nodes currently in the game. What I don’t have is resources to get them all to the best rank they should be. Here is my suggestion. Playing the mole man expedition I find it greatly rewarding to have items on the paths If Kabam could do something similar to the monthly EQ it would settle the debate. That we need better rewards for harder content. I personally complete heroic masters and epic every month. I think the rewards are ok but could use a bit of spice !! Say 275-500 T5B 500-750 T2A and full T1A on paths. It’s just a thought I know it’s wishful thinking but if you don’t ask the you don’t know. Finally the amount of energy used to complete all paths is kinda harsh. How about making certain paths that don’t contain extra rewards energy free. Example Uncollected has 8 lines total usually so let’s keep the energy the same 3per move for 5 paths and make 3 paths 1 energy per . Again just me asking out loud. Thank you for your constant betterment of this game and keep up the great content


  • Mathking13Mathking13 Member Posts: 988 ★★★
    Yeah if they implemented this idea into the EQ's paths, that would be amazing. More rewards for completion, and a consistent shelling out of rewards on each path to exploration.
    I personally like the idea of having each path of a quest giving one of the resource types that is available for completion+exploration (like imagine if the entire EQ was 6 paths, with one path having 7500 5-star shards, one having 1k 6-star shards, one having the t2a, one with the t5b, one with the sig stones, and the 4-star shards and a good chunk of gold. Obviously you wouldn't make the entire EQ 6 paths, but proof of concept; each path has all of the rewards for a certain currency. Hopefully I got my idea across well enough lol)

    But I don't know whether they'd be able to have some paths cost different amounts of energy... also even if they could, how do you imagine them visualising the difference in energy costs?

    Definitely some very interesting ideas going on here though
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