30 Deadly Sins: 300mil AQ Map 6 alliance looking for 9500+ prestige player

The 30 Deadly Sins is a new alliance of very active veteran players looking for 3 more players to fill out our last battle group. All of us come from a Map 6 Plat 4 alliances that wanted to keep a similar activity/organization level and remain competitive/get good rewards but with less resource use.
If you are looking for a well-organized, high activity level alliance with a good reward to effort ratio, low war stress and modest donations, this alliance is the home for you.
What we are looking for:
- Good attitude, good sense of humor and OK with locker room humor/posts in chat.
- 9500k+ Prestige
- Very active and can complete map 6 without babysitting
- Likes war but is OK with G2 rewards if we can't naturally get any higher without item use.
- Most of us are US time zones but we can accommodate anyone so long as activity level matches.
What we are trying to achieve
- AQ 300mil+
- 2-3 days of map 6 per BG each week to cross the 300mil milestone and improve our rank rewards (all of us present have experience at this level and I have no doubt we can deliver on this once our last BG is filled)
- As high as we can get in war without significant item use. Most of us have tier 3/4 war experience and are used to competing at Plat 3/4 level. We estimate that without items we should settle somewhere around G2, but that has yet to be proven so I can't promise.
- We are trying to achieve the ideal ratio of resources in for rewards out!
If Interested please contact me on Line or in game. Line ID/IGN are the same:
If you are looking for a well-organized, high activity level alliance with a good reward to effort ratio, low war stress and modest donations, this alliance is the home for you.
What we are looking for:
- Good attitude, good sense of humor and OK with locker room humor/posts in chat.
- 9500k+ Prestige
- Very active and can complete map 6 without babysitting
- Likes war but is OK with G2 rewards if we can't naturally get any higher without item use.
- Most of us are US time zones but we can accommodate anyone so long as activity level matches.
What we are trying to achieve
- AQ 300mil+
- 2-3 days of map 6 per BG each week to cross the 300mil milestone and improve our rank rewards (all of us present have experience at this level and I have no doubt we can deliver on this once our last BG is filled)
- As high as we can get in war without significant item use. Most of us have tier 3/4 war experience and are used to competing at Plat 3/4 level. We estimate that without items we should settle somewhere around G2, but that has yet to be proven so I can't promise.
- We are trying to achieve the ideal ratio of resources in for rewards out!
If Interested please contact me on Line or in game. Line ID/IGN are the same: