Suicides with a touch of bleed and mystic

So I am slowly unlocking suicides because I have Ghost at r5 and OR going there soon. I have been running 5 points in Deep Wounds (for R2 6-star Domino and R4 Blade) and 4 in MD (for r5 Magik) for several months now. I just pulled 5-star Doom (unawakened), absolutely going to at least R4 in a month. I can run full suicides, with 4 points in Deep Wounds and 3 points in MD. This means I can only put 1 point in Assassins.
1. Does this set up make sense with a diversified roster?
2. How much does Doom benefit from MD?
3. Is 4 pts in DW good enough for Domino and Blade?
1. Does this set up make sense with a diversified roster?
2. How much does Doom benefit from MD?
3. Is 4 pts in DW good enough for Domino and Blade?