Champions I'd like to see for the next balance rework

Gooseman27Gooseman27 Member Posts: 55
edited March 2020 in General Discussion
These are two champions I had thought of while making this discussion post bit I'd like to see what you guys think whether you all agree, disagree, or think the champion is fine as is.

Venom the duck, great champion if you get lucky with him, otherwise you will probably be like me and prock perfect block chance five times in a row with him. I think a simple rework of how he generates buffs and stores them would be a very nice rework for him to make him less annoying to use. We also see lots of ramp up champions now that can fully ramp up their damage within two fights whereas it takes atleast four to get all buffs stored into the RNA bank for VTD. I think it would also be great to atleast increase the maximum buffs stored per fight from three to five to atleast make him viable in shorter fights and like KT1 had said "less of a selfish champion".

The other champion I thought of was Green Goblin. Now I'm not sure if he should get a full rework or just a rebalance since hes been in the game for so long but I think his animations are already good enough to leave him alone from the rework. Now that doesnt mean a rework wouldn't be welcome, but I think his specials look great as is. For such a pivotal character in the comics, green goblin is an absolute joke in mcoc, he doesn't even have synergies with the sinister six that make him remotely good, I wouldn't really have any great suggestions to make him a great champion but it would be great if kabam could take a look at him and make him more important in mcoc whether that is utility wise or damage wise. Maybe that is the inner green goblin fan in me being biased towards green goblin but I personally think that considering that he is practically spiderman rival he should be given a chance to shine.

Let me know what you think in the comments whether you agree, disagree, or think another champion should get a rework, thanks for reading my absurdly long post! 👍🏾🙏🏾
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