Cant wait for final results of this pole.. I just got Nick fury last week and used an awakening gem on him so hopefully once I rank him he will be a solid champ.. I'm really excited to finally get a decent champ that isnt mystic or science!
Nick fury .. 1. Crazy bleed damage 2. Internal bleed damage 3. Ignores evade at 5+ tac charges 4. Heavy purifies non damaging debuffs 5. At 10+ charges heavy purifies damaging debuffs 6. At 15+ charges all attacks are unblockable 7. Doesnt require high sig 8. Awakened nick is like bringing 2 champs in 1 slot 9. Insane fury damage 10. Stun immune when fury is active 11. Shruggs active passive debuffs when sig ability is activated
In contrast all the good stuff for aegon activates at a very high combo count.
Explain why aegon is better than fury? Aegon is only good for long fights and no one uses him on a day to day basis. NF on the other hand, has utiliity, good abilities(debuff purifying, unblockable), bleed, stun, and also his crazy fury. Did I forget to add that he has two lives with duped ability?
I've used him in AW before, made it all the way to final boss and killed him with just Aegon.
Explain why aegon is better than fury? Aegon is only good for long fights and no one uses him on a day to day basis. NF on the other hand, has utiliity, good abilities(debuff purifying, unblockable), bleed, stun, and also his crazy fury. Did I forget to add that he has two lives with duped ability?
You may not have AEGON.I have AEGON and I use him in everyday quest.Now you tell what makes you think Nick.Aegon had more potential.Even for 30k fights.It's different if you don't know how to use him
Aegon for 30k fights? Explain how Aegon would be better. I simply don't understand. NF is a lot better for shorter fights and he does not need any ramp up
As someone who has NF and not Ægon, I’d say Ægon is overall better champ as most people are focusing on endgame content (act 6, abyss etc...) and Ægon covers more content when it comes to endgame imo.
I have blade and fury as maxed r5. Once upon a time I would of said fury but as I run full suicides nicks 30% health doesn’t last long. I don’t have a duped aegon and he seems to depend on being duped and NOT getting hit...which if your the type of player that can run through an entire quest without getting hit good for you. Blade for me is the best and most useful as I have stark and gr both at r5. Danger sense and the awakened ability to regen plus shrugs off debuffs and is the best champ to use vs thing and let’s face it he doesn’t require any type of skill to use. I do use fury with my cmm for aq though.
I have blade and fury as maxed r5. Once upon a time I would of said fury but as I run full suicides nicks 30% health doesn’t last long. I don’t have a duped aegon and he seems to depend on being duped and NOT getting hit...which if your the type of player that can run through an entire quest without getting hit good for you. Blade for me is the best and most useful as I have stark and gr both at r5. Danger sense and the awakened ability to regen plus shrugs off debuffs and is the best champ to use vs thing and let’s face it he doesn’t require any type of skill to use. I do use fury with my cmm for aq though.
I have blade, NF and Aegon, all 3 duped and yes NF doesn't run well with suicides.
To play Aegon, i use NF, DP, PM synergy. PM allows him to get hit and not lose combo. NF, & DP let's him recover some health back at the start of each fight. So he becomes very sustainable and after 100 combo, his already a decent hitter.
1. Crazy bleed damage
2. Internal bleed damage
3. Ignores evade at 5+ tac charges
4. Heavy purifies non damaging debuffs
5. At 10+ charges heavy purifies damaging debuffs
6. At 15+ charges all attacks are unblockable
7. Doesnt require high sig
8. Awakened nick is like bringing 2 champs in 1 slot
9. Insane fury damage
10. Stun immune when fury is active
11. Shruggs active passive debuffs when sig ability is activated
In contrast all the good stuff for aegon activates at a very high combo count.
To play Aegon, i use NF, DP, PM synergy. PM allows him to get hit and not lose combo. NF, & DP let's him recover some health back at the start of each fight. So he becomes very sustainable and after 100 combo, his already a decent hitter.