VARIOUS Counters to FLOW/#CONTROL Defense Tactic???

HELP, last couple AWs we've faced tons of #CONTROL defenders w/FLOW #DBag Tactic. Many of our allies are F2Play so they don't have every champ @5/65, 6* 2/35, etc like most whales or YTs. Some paths aren't a problem. Other champ/node combos are roadblocks & may cause gamer rage unless u out Rank, use lots of items/boosts or glory/units. We are semi-competitive in Tier 5 Challenger Map. Mr.Sin on node #26 has been a nightmares & Masochism seems bugged. Seems like FLOW has replaced Siphon recently,..they both suck. Would appreciate various champs/tactics that work effectively since each ally doesn't have every champ, resources or $$$?
P.S. Not theorycrafting, prefer actual personal experience in AWar with good counters or even bad champs that don't, work would help. Thanks
P.S. Not theorycrafting, prefer actual personal experience in AWar with good counters or even bad champs that don't, work would help. Thanks
Ghost with hood
I believe that also ilackskills made a video on this