Ghost question

Dsc0721Dsc0721 Member Posts: 83
Does ghost NEED suicides I know she benefits from them greatly but mine is a 5* r4 and I do not run suicides I feel like her damage isn’t great unless I can get the fury which means finding windows for heavys, example her crit mediums without cruelty are only 2.6k, second question does the jump to r5 increase her damage super significantly? Basically is she worth r5 without suicides.


  • ChriissRChriissR Member Posts: 655 ★★★★
    She still has a TON of Utilities without suicides. And she does still hit hard, I would say just force some heavies and stack furies and cruelty to boost up the damage
  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,600 ★★★★★
    If u ramp he op to get 5 crulaty it is okay not sucide danmged
  • buffajrbuffajr Member Posts: 425 ★★
    Doesn’t need suicides to be one of the best in the game.
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